Tuesday 8 November 2011

Challenge 7: Life

#103. Tell us about a person who influenced your life in a significant way

Life is never easy, never completely predictable, and never fully understandable. Getting up every morning, listening to the wind whispering and monkeys fighting, has been a part of my life since 2006 (when I first came to WS). During those days, I met someone who helped me see life with a totally different perspective. I used to think that one could never be truly satisfied in life. However, that someone told me to just stop. Wait little while, and see how life can be different. At that particular time, I was completely oblivious to what he was saying; I did not understand a word that came out of his mouth. At the time I must have looked puzzled, so instead he told me to stop studying, stop focusing so much on my grades and just go play and enjoy. But my reply was that there is no point of going to school if I do not study. However, this does not mean that I study all the time, just that he always sees me studying.

It did not end there. Some how, I used to look at him playing around all the time. Life seems quite simple and easy going for him. So I thought why not try it out, enjoy and play around more. It seems easy. Because of him, I changed my way of life. I now know how important it is to keep the balance between study and fun. There is only one life that I know of. So I might as well enjoy it while I can.          


  1. Who is this person that is responsible for this change? It's a little unfair for you to respond to a question about a specific person without revealing who it is.

  2. He's a living mystery. So I can't tell you who it is. ^^"
