Saturday 5 November 2011

Challenge 4: High School

#6 If you were to look back on your high school years, what advice would you give to someone beginning their high school career? (Simmons)

High School is a place, for some people depending on the individual’s opinion, where you either would love to go back to or never want to step in again. So far, High School has been great. I do not know if I want to travel back in time for another high school experience. All I know is that I would never want to change a thing on my high school experience.

High School does not last forever, so might as well get as much out of it, is what I would say to a freshmen coming in High School for the first time. Go crazy but study hard and know the limits. Make the best out of High School and no regrets will ever be thought of later on in life.

Those things stated above were once told to me by a graduating senior. A senior, without knowing, that has helped me opened up to high school experiences other then studying or getting the best grades in class. Being able to balance fun and study is how one can get the best out of high school.

Lastly, High School experiences will become at least 50 percent of the school days memories. No one ever remembers what happened in middle or even elementary school. So what would you want to remember of yourself as a high scholar when you graduated from high school?    

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