Monday 7 November 2011

Challenge 6: Humans

124. What outrages you? (Wake Forest)

Once in a while, there is always the moment where explosion form human’s mind takes place. If I were to list all the events that make me feel mad even just by thinking about it, it would take thousand pages. However, there are still things that would just turn my brain into an atomic bomb.

What I cannot stand is that there are some people love to add oil into the fire just for their personal entertainment; people who would do anything to feel superior; lastly people that only know how to talk big but do nothing. These people, for me, are considered as the unfinished product of the world. They still need to be readjusted, polished, or even redone.

Sometimes, I become one of the people that I despise and then I either regret or do not notice of what I have become. I once bullied a girl from my class. All of my classmates were doing it so I figured that it was ok. This bullying continued until that girl left school for another. I regretted it so much, we all regretted. However, three years later she came back to visit the school, and the first words I said to her was, “I’m sorry.”  She forgave me, but the guilt reminds. I hate myself for my actions.

This is why humans, including me, outrage me the most.      

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