Wednesday 9 November 2011

Challenge 8: Wednesday

#123 How do you feel about Wednesday? (U of Chicago)

What is the difference between each day? Whether it is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday; they all includes 24 hours until the next day approaches. People tend to favor one particular day than the others; like Wednesday is most hated. Wednesday feels as if it is in the middle of the week; neither starting nor ending.

Just like any other days of the week, I get up, wash up, dress up, walk up, open up books, and so on. Nothing really separates Wednesday from any other days, but somehow Wednesday feels like it never ends.

Sitting in my dorm room on a winter Wednesday next to a closed window with tinny bits of cold air passing by after school feels like a nice invitation of me crawling into my warm bed and just sleep. I was about to give in and do this writing some times after I wake up, but I also know that I would feel even lazier after I get up. I will just have to bear with this and then go to sleep.

Wednesday is usually the day of a mountain high pile of work awaits me to even touch it. I feel even lazier and sleepier just by looking at them. ‘I must work!’ is constantly repeated over and over again, like a song sets on a replay mode, inside my head. I am not exactly sure what happened next, all I remember is that a black finger came over and press the ‘shut down’ button of my brain.    

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