Monday 23 January 2012

Week 4 January

165. What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)

What is life? Does life mean a survival of a living thing or does it have alternative and deeper meaning to it. Life for me is the most confusing thing in life itself. It has no definite meaning. It has no ends and no one knows where it is leading us into. Life is the real mystery that nothing can beat.

Some people believe that they know where exactly life is leading them into or where they want it to be but one can never be so sure. You can never know what might and can happen in the near perfectly laid out future. Life can also be a great teacher. It teaches us to become stronger and accept our failures fixing it and learning from our mistakes. Life is also a giver. Life sometimes give us second chances for us humans to fix things right. Life is neither one being nor many. Life is everywhere and yet also within each individual, even in plant there is life.

What is life really? No one can possibly define it or even come close to understand it. I only know that life is everything I ever need even though I may not be able to touch or feel it, it is there in and out side of me.   


  1. Reading your essay, I realize I agree with you 100%. Life means different things for many people, and many people fuss over this topic on what is life. This essay got me to think really deep, good job :D

  2. I agree life i difficult to understand.
    But the best part about life is that it is difficult to understand. It is full of surprises which makes it exciting.
    If life did not have surprises it would be no fun.
    But I guess different people have different hopes abut life.

  3. I love the fact that you give life such an intangible quality. Life is a "mystery", as you put it, and you keep your essay aloof enough to illustrate that. At the same time, you use ideas that any person can relate to, because life is, obviously, something we have all experienced. Describing the many aspects of life - a "teacher" and a "giver" - conjures up imagery. You can put a face, or a multitude of faces, to life that make it seem more real.

    I think I would have enjoyed reading more about the struggles of life. Life isn't always pleasant or positive, and you could add a few sentences from another perspective - life can be cruel, bitter, and harsh. From there, you could go on to elaborate on how all those trials make life what it is, or make it more worthwhile. Musings on the somewhat elusive themes of good and bad, of happiness and sorrow would have tied in really well with your concluding paragraph.

    If you had the time, you could also talk about an inanimate object. How would it feel to be a lifeless brick on the side of a road? What is it that separates a plant from a block of wood? You can't really answer those questions, and so life continues to be a mystery that separates us from the lifeless.

    - PD
