Monday 9 January 2012

Week 2 January

214 Your favorite time period.

It is now 5: 30pm in Nonthaburi, Thailand. The sky looks like as if someone just painted some red and orange paint on to the dark dim blue sky. The sun has only just begun to set. It looks like the sun is now too tried to hold itself up in the sky and therefore caused it to slowly falling from the sky. At this time of the day when looking outside from my house, some people are seen to just come back from their long day of work. Some are running around the area. There are also groups of oldies just talking and doing their daily fast walk. As the sun is falling off the sky and will eventually be replaced by the moon, the temperature also cools down. It’s truly the best time period of the day, despising only it is also the time when mosquitoes start to come around. 
Another thing that is going on at this time at my house is that my mother begins to cook dinner. The smell of ingredients transforming into a delicious meal makes my stomach growls. I love dinner the most out of all the meals of the day which is also included in my most favorite time of the day.

Just a little bit after dinner, the loud noisy streets turn into quite lonely roads; the best kind! I love walking alone on an empty street with nothing but cool wind running pass me. Everything about the evening is so perfect and lovable and that’s why is it my favorite time of the day.  

1 comment:

  1. WIth what you wrote, you seem to be a very calm and "anti-sound" person and I can CLEARLY see that each day. I like the gets me thinking! :)
