Monday 2 January 2012

Week 1 January

180. If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

If I could ban anything in the world, I would ban violence. Any kind of violence ends up hurting someone or something. Just imagine the world without violence, how almost perfect it would be. Without violence, peace would creep in more and more and help healing this heartbroken world. No violence also means no weapons, no bombs, and as a result no wars. Wars are always unfair to any side of it, either being trashed totally or benefiting economically.  No violence also means no murderers and people feeling safe wherever they go. However banning violence does not mean that there will be no disputes, disagreements, and arguments any longer. Those things will always remain in the world no matter what we do about it and the world will eventually become too boring to live in. 

Ever since I was a small child, I always wanted people to stop fighting. Even sometimes when I watched the evening news that my parents turned on every night, I see houses burning or people pointing guns towards each other. During those times I always felt like I just want to go inside the television and take away the guns so that there will be no more deaths and no more tears. Even now, if I have the power, ability, and opportunity; I will definitely take away violence from this world in hope of a peaceful world where you love everyone around you.          


  1. I completely agree with you. Violence should be banned in the world. There is no need for it because it benefits no one. You say that just because violence is banned, disputes and disagreements will continue. Don't you think that disputes and disagreements could potentially lead to violence? I like you writing, and the only thing I think you should have done better is moving the anecdote that you put at the end, in the beginning and lead that into your idea of banning violence.

  2. The idea that there should not be any violence in the world is a good idea, however, not very realistic. I agree with the comment above that you should have moved the anecdote to the beginning. I like how you are hopeful, and you want to see the change. By violence do you mainly mean physical violence? I also think about the people who get so frustrated that they need to do something violent to calm them down?
