Tuesday 31 January 2012

Week 1 Febuary

163. What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)

Have you ever ask yourself what word could possibly change your life forever? I have. And the word is why not. Have you ever ask yourself, why not? These two words put together and the answer sometimes can be unsolvable for the rest of your life or is just plainly a selfish one. These two words put together are my favorite out of a thousand billion words that there are in the world. It is simply because these two words have the power of testing my will and also encouraging into doing something I have never even thought of. These two words also bring me into new things and new experiences instead of just the ones I prefer.

‘Why not?’ can also bring out a part of me that I did not have any knowledge of its existence. Even though ‘why not?’ may be my favorite two words put together as one, I sometimes despise it for in a way making me things that I do not want to do or have any part of.

Sometimes when in doubt of yourself or your well being or even when something came up asking for your participant just ask yourself “why not?” several times and the answer shall come bright into your mind. Sometimes, the answer to ‘why not?’ can also be ‘why not.’      


  1. I really like this essay. I think the phrase "why not" certainly is a special duo of words.
    Also, I didn't understand this sentence. The clause "these two words put together" isn't really finished.

    "These two words put together and the answer sometimes can be unsolvable for the rest of your life or is just plainly a selfish one."

  2. You hit the bulls eye when you said that "why not" are the words we often think of. It is indeed a motivator and this essay tells us something we do without our realizing it.
    But I feel that you have used the phrase "these two words" too many times which makes the essay sound a bit weird.
    Otherwise its a nice essay.

  3. I wrote that my favorite word was "why" and i feel that this essay is a response to mine. A very interesting choice.

  4. hmmm...very thoughtful two words. Not as deep and genius like the one i did, but it's still nice. However, I had trouble understanding some sentences. I suggest you make your sentences simpler and to the point. Also, don't squeeze in too much of what you want to say into one sentence. When you get the temptation to explain further of what you are trying to get across, that's when you should cut it. You can always make a new sentence. I used to write like that. ;) Anyways, it's a good one. Even I question myself with "why not" a lot. That is probably what made me ask my gf out in the end.

  5. Great choice. I, too, like the words because even I think of it a lot before walking down a path. The "why not" sometimes messes up my days, but those days thought me somethings that nothing else will be able to teach me. A really good lesson that originally started from two words, "why not."

  6. "Why not" are indeed two great words which everyone should ask themselves. Though, you seem to have repeated many of the same things in your essay. Maybe you could suggest others ask themselves the same question when stuck in situations; situations where they have to make choices. Something like, "To do, or not to do."

  7. I wouldn't really call it my favorite word, but i would say the phrase is something that comes to my mind time to time. In life, what is the point of not doing something when you really want to?
    I believe that in life you should always give it a go and you must take the opportunities that come by....so why not do what you want in life

  8. A very creative answer! I really like when you say it has the "power of testing my will." Exceptional, indeed!

  9. Great choice of words. I would also say that "why not?" is one of the best things any person could ask themselves, specially if u want to get as much out of life as you possibly can.
    I recently read a book by Richard Branson about him becoming what he is today, and he kept asking himself the same question "Why not?"

  10. I really like your idea and your writing seems strong, but I do think you could maybe proof read your work . There seems to many silly mistakes that one can easily avoid.
