232. Ten things you do when you procrastinate.
No one that I have ever known in my life never procrastinate. Everyone has at least procrastinated at least once, probably more than once, in his/ her life time. Even teachers or worst government officials have procrastinated while on their duties. Even the nerdiest nerd procrastinates. I, for a fact, procrastinate all the time. I usually …
1. First open up a word document showing that I am not procrastinating but working. However, that document is usually blank or just has my name written at the top. Well at least I am trying to work.
2. Look around and just stare at one of the pictures on my board above my desk. Relaxation is the key.
3. Reinvestigate pictures on my laptop. I need ideas for the assignment.
4. Find something to eat or cook. I cannot work on an empty stomach. Food is important for survival.
5. Clean up my room. I cannot work with messy surroundings. It is a distraction to my eyes.
6. Play a game of Minesweeper and then go on Facebook or YouTube. It is necessary to clear my mind on things before working so I have more focus.
7. Run around the dorm rooms to find someone else to procrastinate with. Friendship is important in life.
8. Go to sleep. Maybe when I get up I might have no other excuse to procrastinate. Rest is important. It is impossible to work when tried.
9. Sit and stare at the blank word document with just my name on the top right hand corner. Ideas might randomly come into my mind if I do not do anything. I am thinking.
10. Check my class schedules. Oh, I have study hall tomorrow. I will do this assignment later. I have time.
DO NOT PROCASINATE! One keep finding excuses not to work and in the end no work will be completed.