Tuesday 31 January 2012

Week 1 Febuary

A Blog as Therapy for Teenagers

By: Pamela Paul
Date published: January 27, 2012; Date accessed: January 30, 2012

Summary: A study about blogging relieving stress by blogging in teenagers was conducted in Israel by the psychology professors at the University of Haifa. The experiment consisted of six groups of teenagers. Two groups were to blog twice a week about their stress, another two groups were to blog about whatever struck them. And the last two groups were told to either write an old fashioned diary or do nothing as a control to the experiment. At the end the blogs were given to the therapists to read over. In conclusion, the professors found out that the groups with blogging on stress were the most effective in relieving stress.  

Response: This study on stress reliever by blogging has in a way inaccurate way to measure the results. However, blogging and also be very stressful when it has deadlines like this English assignment. People have different ways to relieve their stress. Some people or teenagers like me do not find blogging that useful for I am not a writer. Blogging may help to relieve stress but there are many other ways as well.   

1.      Adolescent  (noun)
a.       After several paragraphs of spewing onto paper adolescent angst about cafeteria slights, unreciprocated crushes and oversize thighs, the diarist often felt better.
b.      One that is in the state of adolescence (growing up). Origin: Latin adolescere; first use in 15th century. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The students in grade nine are going through adolescent.
2.      Skew (verb)
a.       To track teenagers’ experiences with blogging, the researchers randomly surveyed high school students in Israel and selected 161 of them (124 girls and 37 boys, a significant gender skew) who exhibited some level of social anxiety or stress.
b.      To take an oblique course. Origin: Middle English to escape. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The students in history class were skewing over the next period test.
3.      Therapeutic (adjective)
a.       “Research has long backed the therapeutic value of diary-keeping for teenage girls and boys. But according to a new study, when teenagers detail their woes onto a blog, the therapeutic value is even greater. Blogging, it seems, can be good for you.”
b.      Of or relating to the treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods. Origin: Greek therapeutikos, to attend/ treat; first use in 1646.
c.       Classrooms can never be therapeutic for the students unless they are sleeping.

Week 1 Febuary

163. What is your favorite word, and why? (University of Virginia)

Have you ever ask yourself what word could possibly change your life forever? I have. And the word is why not. Have you ever ask yourself, why not? These two words put together and the answer sometimes can be unsolvable for the rest of your life or is just plainly a selfish one. These two words put together are my favorite out of a thousand billion words that there are in the world. It is simply because these two words have the power of testing my will and also encouraging into doing something I have never even thought of. These two words also bring me into new things and new experiences instead of just the ones I prefer.

‘Why not?’ can also bring out a part of me that I did not have any knowledge of its existence. Even though ‘why not?’ may be my favorite two words put together as one, I sometimes despise it for in a way making me things that I do not want to do or have any part of.

Sometimes when in doubt of yourself or your well being or even when something came up asking for your participant just ask yourself “why not?” several times and the answer shall come bright into your mind. Sometimes, the answer to ‘why not?’ can also be ‘why not.’      

Thursday 26 January 2012

Week 4 January

By: Eric Farnworth
Date published: 25th January 2012. Date accessed: 26th January 2012.

Summary: China have been profiting well in terms of economic with Latin America. Furthermore, China is the top trading partner of Brazil, Chile, Peru and Argentina. China has invested almost $44 billion in Latin America only in 2010. The Chinese trading with the Latin America is growing bigger and bigger and in concerns the United States when they cannot really do anything due to the Cold War hemisphere complications. Lastly, this trading between China and Latin America has unequal benefits to the Latin America.  

Response: This article relates back to the study of Global Issue where China economic is growing larger and larger by day. Even the United States of America owe debts to China. This trade between China and Latin America will certainly concern the USA for it includes unequal benefits to the Latin America. In the end every country is just trying to be superior to other nations just like what China is doing; only care about their benefits, nothing else.

1.      Erode (verb)
a.       “Long accustomed to its role as the dominant player in the Americas, the United States is now seeing that position eroded by the increasing footprint of China in the Americas.
b.      To diminish or destroy by degrees. Origin: Latin erodere to eat away; first use 1612. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The report cards have been eroding students’ hope for good colleges in the near future.
2.      Commodities  (noun)
a.       “Of course, nations that are not supplying significant amounts of commodities to China, including Mexico and Central America, view China more as an aggressive competitor than as an economic partner.
b.      Economic goods. Origin: Middle English commoditee; first used in 15th century. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       In biology class, we learn that oil is a commodity that has a high demand in today’s world.
3.      Prevail (verb)
a.       “Since the end of the Cold War, Latin America has struggled to develop a regime of democratic behavior that is intended to prevail in the hemispheric community of nations.
b.      To gain ascendancy through strength or superiority. Origin: Middle English, from Latin praevalere- to be strong. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       Respects between teacher and student are prevailing throughout classrooms to classrooms.  

Monday 23 January 2012

Week 4 January

165. What confuses you most in life, and why? (University of Virginia)

What is life? Does life mean a survival of a living thing or does it have alternative and deeper meaning to it. Life for me is the most confusing thing in life itself. It has no definite meaning. It has no ends and no one knows where it is leading us into. Life is the real mystery that nothing can beat.

Some people believe that they know where exactly life is leading them into or where they want it to be but one can never be so sure. You can never know what might and can happen in the near perfectly laid out future. Life can also be a great teacher. It teaches us to become stronger and accept our failures fixing it and learning from our mistakes. Life is also a giver. Life sometimes give us second chances for us humans to fix things right. Life is neither one being nor many. Life is everywhere and yet also within each individual, even in plant there is life.

What is life really? No one can possibly define it or even come close to understand it. I only know that life is everything I ever need even though I may not be able to touch or feel it, it is there in and out side of me.   

Monday 16 January 2012

Week 3 January

By: Rick Gladstone and J. David Goodman
Date Published: January 26, 2012; Date accessed: January 27, 2012

Summary: Due to Iran’s nuclear issues with the West, the President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mentioned in a speech reported by Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency that Iran might cut off the oil exports to Europe. Some political analysts said that this action may reflect hard on the Iran currency, exports/ trade, and employment. Furthermore the economy of Iran is greatly affected and many Iranians are trying to sell rials for gold and foreign currencies, in thought of their currency might become valueless. This entire crisis was just because of the Iran’s uranium enrichment program.

Response:  The Iranian government should not have brought forward the decision for cutting off its oil exports to Europe. Because of this irrational move, Iran ended up having economic issues. This article can be related to the study of Global Issues which includes the international relations, trading, and economics in its course. If the Iranian government have come into an agreement with the European Union on its nuclear issues rather than take an action that may results in national crisis later on.  

1.      Combative (adj)
a.       Iran struck a combative tone Thursday in its confrontation with the West over the nuclear issue, threatening to terminate oil exports to European nations even before their embargo takes effect this summer.
b.      Marked by eagerness to fight or contend; first use in 1826 (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       When teachers are being unfair, students become combative.
2.      Ire (noun)
a.       Directing his ire at the Western powers that have imposed the sanctions,  … ”
b.      Intense and usually openly displayed anger. Origin: Middle English, Anglo-French, Latin ira, Greek oistros (first use in 14th century). (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The history teacher directed his ire at the student who plagiarized information from the internet.
3.      Bellicose (adj)
a.       Political analysts said Mr. Ahmadinejad’s acknowledgment of sanction pain, in an otherwise bellicose speech, was a departure from the government depiction of Iran as an immune fortress.” 
b.      Favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars. Origin: Middle English, Latin bellicosus, from bellicus of war, from bellum war; first use in 15th century. (Merriam-webster).
c.       Bellicose students are always spending time fighting rather than studying.

Week 3 January

195. Imagine that you are going to open a restaurant. Describe it and the menu.

Walking pass the busy window shopping road and came across a restaurant with purple and black stripes as the color of the building. Looking at it closer, a clear window everywhere makes it relaxing and become larger in size with the see-through look. There are also flower pots and vases everywhere. When look just above the glass door, light brown and baby pink letters arranged read Choco Lovers. As soon as opening the door, entering into the shop, the smell of rich chocolates come flying around as if it is welcoming the newcomer. Many small glass tables are set along with fancy fairy tale looking chairs. Inside of the shop is filled with more flowers, even the wall paper are picture of pretty looking flowers. Along the walls are paintings and pictures of melted chocolates, chocolate ice-cream, chocolate cakes, chocolates, and anything edible that is made out of chocolates.

Now sitting down at the lovely table, a small chocolate bar menu was opened. The whole menu relates to chocolates, even drinks. However, there are also some other choices like banana cake, coffee, and milkshakes. The shop is mainly for deserts and for people who truly love and enjoy eating chocolates. This is because I am a chocolate lover myself!          

Monday 9 January 2012

Week 2 January

By: Tariq Tahir
Date published: 26th January 2012; Date accessed 26th January 2012

Summary: A bus driver from London was banned from driving for three years due to losing control of the vehicle after being called fat. Kids aged around 11- 14 called Mr. Scott, the bus driver, ‘fat’ and shouted “How fat is your wife?” This then led to Mr. Scott’s rage switching off his consciousness on driving and crashed the vehicle into the oncoming traffic. Fortunately, no one was hurt.  

Response: The children are at fault for using weight to insult the bus driver. However, the bus driver, knowing that he is in charge of the passengers boarding on the bus, still is unable to control his emotions and ended up in an accident. This shows how one can easily lose his/her consciousness just like in Richard III by William Shakespeare. In the play, some characters gains consciousness as that play moves forward (Richard) which is the opposite case to this.    

1.      Swerve (verb)
a.       “This led the 52-year-old Reading man to ‘lose his mind’ and swerve towards the children before crashing his coach in Carshalton High Street, south London, a court heard.”
b.      To turn aside abruptly from a straight line or course. Origin: Middle English, from Old English sweorfan to wipe, file away; first use in 14th century. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The teacher was carrying too much textbooks and therefore caused her to swerve and banged on the door.
2.      Veered (verb)
a.       “Although nobody was hurt in the accident in August 2010, Mr Scott veered into oncoming traffic and damaged a number of cars and three buildings.”
b.      To let out. Origin: Middle English veren, of Low German or Dutch; first use in 15th century. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The students in the class veered out their anger towards their low test scores.
3.      Unblemished (verb)
a.       “Mr Scott has an unblemished record as a coach driver of ten years.”
b.      A mark that keeps a positive thoughts or appearance. Origin: 1275–1325; Middle English  (v.) < Anglo-French, Middle Frenchblemiss-,  long stem of ble ( s ) mir  to make livid, perhaps < OldLow Franconian *blesmjan; see blaze. (dictionary.reference.com)
Mr. Plonka has unblemished record as a successful English teacher. 

Week 2 January

214 Your favorite time period.

It is now 5: 30pm in Nonthaburi, Thailand. The sky looks like as if someone just painted some red and orange paint on to the dark dim blue sky. The sun has only just begun to set. It looks like the sun is now too tried to hold itself up in the sky and therefore caused it to slowly falling from the sky. At this time of the day when looking outside from my house, some people are seen to just come back from their long day of work. Some are running around the area. There are also groups of oldies just talking and doing their daily fast walk. As the sun is falling off the sky and will eventually be replaced by the moon, the temperature also cools down. It’s truly the best time period of the day, despising only it is also the time when mosquitoes start to come around. 
Another thing that is going on at this time at my house is that my mother begins to cook dinner. The smell of ingredients transforming into a delicious meal makes my stomach growls. I love dinner the most out of all the meals of the day which is also included in my most favorite time of the day.

Just a little bit after dinner, the loud noisy streets turn into quite lonely roads; the best kind! I love walking alone on an empty street with nothing but cool wind running pass me. Everything about the evening is so perfect and lovable and that’s why is it my favorite time of the day.  

Monday 2 January 2012

Week 1 January

By:  Beth Stebner

Date published: 23rd January 2011; Date accessed: 23rd January

Summary: A 16 years old girl from the Netherlands completed a 518 day around the world voyage. Laura Dekker travelled around 27,000 nautical miles in her a 38 feet yacht, Guppy. Dekker started her voyage despising the disapproval of the Dutch government for her to travel solo around the world. The Dutch government tried to detect her from the journey many times through bought inspection and many others. Laura started her journey from Netherland and passed through the Canary Islands, Panama, the Galapagos Island, Tonga, Fiji, Bora Bora, Australia, South Africa, and completed her journey at St. Maarten. Luara farther claimed that she may never go back to Netherland due to the legal disapproval of her journey.   

Response: Laura Dekker, in my point of view, has shown the world that anything can be accomplished despite age and legalization. She proved that if we follow our hearts, happiness will come even if it may bring many problems afterwards. One will not have any regrets if we do what we truly want. However, Laura Dekker is also acting like a child for not facing the problems with legalization and plan to run away by never to return to her homeland. This is very irresponsive action.  
1.      Deter (verb)
a.       “She said government organisations tried to deter her from her journey, and because of that, she may not return home to the Netherlands.”
b.      To turn aside, discourage, or to prevent from acting. Origin: Latin deterrere, from de + terrere to frighten; first use in 1547. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The students in Woodstock School will soon be deterring from playing video games on weekdays.
2.      Traumatic (adjective)
a.       “It was all a frightening and traumatic experience.”
b.      An emotional upset. Origin: Greek traumat, trauma wound; first use 1693.  (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       The classroom was filled with traumatic atmosphere after the school has been attacked.
3.      Reef (noun)
a.       “‘Now, after sailing around the world, with different port approaches, storms, dangerous reefs, and the full responsibility of keeping myself and Guppy safe, I feel that the nightmares the Dutch government organisations put me through, were totally unfair.”
b.      A part of a sail taken in or let out in regulating size. Origin: Middle English riff; first use in 14th century. (Merriam-webster.com)
c.       Every sailors need to learn about the reef before going out into the sea. 

Week 1 January

180. If you could ban anything in the world, what would it be and why?

If I could ban anything in the world, I would ban violence. Any kind of violence ends up hurting someone or something. Just imagine the world without violence, how almost perfect it would be. Without violence, peace would creep in more and more and help healing this heartbroken world. No violence also means no weapons, no bombs, and as a result no wars. Wars are always unfair to any side of it, either being trashed totally or benefiting economically.  No violence also means no murderers and people feeling safe wherever they go. However banning violence does not mean that there will be no disputes, disagreements, and arguments any longer. Those things will always remain in the world no matter what we do about it and the world will eventually become too boring to live in. 

Ever since I was a small child, I always wanted people to stop fighting. Even sometimes when I watched the evening news that my parents turned on every night, I see houses burning or people pointing guns towards each other. During those times I always felt like I just want to go inside the television and take away the guns so that there will be no more deaths and no more tears. Even now, if I have the power, ability, and opportunity; I will definitely take away violence from this world in hope of a peaceful world where you love everyone around you.